About Helb Loan
The Office of Dean of students has a HELB Help Desk that supports students on all matters regarding HELB. Below, kindly find the different products provided by HELB and some of the frequently asked questions. A. Undergraduate Loan (Direct Entry Students)
These loans are for students joining public or private universities directly from high
school either through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service
(KUCCPS) or as self-sponsored. Amounts awarded range between K.Shs. 40,000 and
K.Shs. 60,000 based on the level of need. The loan attracts interest of 4% p.a and the
students are required to repay their loans on completion of their studies. Students are
advised to apply at least one month before the opening date to allow ample time for
B. Type of Loan Application
There are two types of undergraduate loan applications:
i. First Time Application-This is for applicants who are applying the loan for the
first time.
ii. Second & Subsequent Application-This is for applicants who are applying the
loan for the second, third, fourth time as per the program duration
The number of loans one is eligible for depends on the program duration for example
one is given the loan 4 times for a 4-year program.
C. Management of HELB Loans
Students are advised that the loans should be used mainly for:
i. Tuition,
ii. Books and stationery,
iii. Accommodation and subsistence.
The Office of Dean of students has a HELB Help Desk that supports students on all matters regarding HELB. Below, kindly find the different products provided by HELB and some of the frequently asked questions. A. Undergraduate Loan (Direct Entry Students)